
Hearing Islaam brings you Islamic education in podcast form from a variety of sources.

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Saturday Aug 25, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The fatwas in this podcast are from the following questions:
Should he pay zakaah on shares that were given to him by the company and over which he has no control?
Can she make use of frozen embryos?
He works as a security guard in a store that sells alcohol; what is the ruling on his work?

Islam-qa.com Fatwas 25 August

Saturday Aug 25, 2012

Saturday Aug 25, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.   The following are the questions that are answered in today's podcast:
When should a Muslim start fasting six days of Shawwaal?
Can a person start fasting six days of Shawwaal when he still has days to make up from Ramadaan?
Should a woman start with making up missed fasts from Ramadaan or with the six days of Shawwaal?
Did the dinosaurs really exist?

The Sealed Nectar, Part One

Monday Aug 13, 2012

Monday Aug 13, 2012

Saturday Aug 11, 2012

Salaam Alaikum!  This podcast addresses the following fatwas that were most recently answered on the site:
She fasted for six days of Shawwaal and wants to carry on fasting .
Is it permissible to say “So and so is my benefactor (wali ni‘mati)”? .
The guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) regarding i’tikaaf .
Can he give zakaat al-fitr to the poor in the form of cash if they will not accept food? .
Is it permissible to say, “By Allah, I shall certainly discipline you, O nafs”? .

Friday Aug 10, 2012

Salaam Alaikum.  Today is the first podcast for new fatwas from www.islam-qa.com.  I chose five of the newest fatwas, on a mixture of topics as they are presented on the home page.  I will inshaAllah continue to update as new fatwas are added.

God Is Not Linear

Wednesday Aug 08, 2012

Wednesday Aug 08, 2012

This is my first podcast.  I recorded a podcast based on a blog posting I wrote.

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